Friday, January 18, 2008

Sick days

Boy am I glad to be on the uphill side. Both Tanner, my youngest, and myself have been sick for 2 days. This flu type virus going around is nasty. First you begin to fell very tired all the time, then I got a headache, my body was sore and weak. The nausea was the worst. The little guy is better today and back to school. If he had his way he would have stayed home today again just so he could watch cartoons, but mean mom made him go!!! Each day when I called school they said more and more kids are sick.

Before all this happen with us being sick. On Sat., Jan 12Th we had my husbands family Christmas at our new home. We have 37 people at our house. It went very well. No messes on the new carpet. Everybody was very respectful and I truly "Thank them all" It was great to see everyone. We had 2 turkey's, cheesy potatoes, green bean hot dish, salad, stuffing, and buns. For dessert I made my grandma's famous "fruit cocktail" cake. It was awesome, but not as good as my grandma. Bless her soul she left this world almost 30 years again. Wow, where does the time go!

God Bless you all and Happy Weekend.... Stay warm


Candy said...

Yeah-you have a blog! I tried posting on your most recent post, but it wouldn't let me for some reason. I have been praying for Nate & Tricia too (did you find out on my bog?!) Anyway, glad to see you in the blogging world. I'll add a link from my blog for you so I can check it easily.

And thanks again for the Christmas day in January. It was a lot of fun and so good to see you guys!