Monday, January 12, 2009


Hello all, boy it has been a long, long time. Things are crazy here. Yes I am still laid off from the real estate busy but Thank God he is providing. I have been working with "kids club" after school program yet Monday thru Thursday and starting Monday I will start with Geary doing reception work and taxes at least until April, maybe then real estate will pick back up if not I will be looking. Please keep that in your prayers.

The boys had a wonderful Christmas. We all went to Church Christmas Eve and WOW! what a Savior we have. We then came home and spent time with the boys and Grandma and Papa. I was so nice. Kevin and Jen (my brother and his girlfriend) and the girls (my nieces) came over Christmas Day and we had our Christmas with them. It was so nice to spend time with my nieces, they are growing like weeds.
New Years Eve we also went to Church (just me and the boys, Dad was still working) what a service that was. It was very small so we went around the room saying what we were extra thankful for in 2008 and hopes for 2009. It makes you cry with tears of happiness when you hear your children say how thankful they are for God, his word and their Church family.

We have also had a bumpy road with all this sickness. Tanner was so sick right before Christmas that we ended in the ER he was diagnosis with gastroenteritis's, he was throwing up blood so away we went. He scared me this time. After 4 more days he returned to normal busy boy just to get the flu. This time no blood and only lasted 24 hrs. Then Dalton got sick with sore throat and high fevers, that was another 5 days of sickness. They both returned to school on Jan. 5th with new outlook but didn't last long, Friday (1-3) the school called me saying that Dalton was throwing up. Here we go again- he is now fine and now Tanner is home today with stomach pain and fever.! I am learning patience by the buckets right now.

Crazy in Wisconsin is the reason I named this blog! It is always something around the corner to jump over another hurtle except I drive miles to get anywhere, all hospitals and stores are 30+ miles away. oh well, that it my life and having my great husband of 20 years and two beautiful kiddos I would change it. Love to all of you talk to you soon......